Friday, August 22, 2014

Road Trip: Part 2.5

Sunday is the big day. We start our 2634 mile trip back to North Carolina. It's bittersweet, really. These past three weeks have gone by all too quickly. I'm not ready to go home and my husband isn't ready to go back to work. Back to reality.

This will be short and sweet. So just a few quick things that are coming in the future:
-I'll have Part 3 posted after we return home. I promise.
-I have a long "getting out of the military" post coming soon after. Adam's EAS date is coming up too quickly.
-My aunt's wedding--which is on the Queen Mary and is SteamPunk themed--is this weekend, so those photos will be posted as well because I'm REALLY excited for them.
-Plus new stuff coming to the shop!

Stay tuned!

Until next time...

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