Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Road Trip: Part 1

I've been slacking on the posts that I promised. I do apologize, but I've barely had time to sit down and relax this week. We left North Carolina on Friday, August 1. We spent 13.5 hours on the road that day. Mostly because the weather was absolutely horrendous and the traffic was just as bad. So we didn't make it as far as we wanted to, but we still made pretty good time. We drove through North Carolina (obviously), Virginia, West Virginia, and halfway through Kentucky, where we stopped for the night. The next morning we filled up and stopped at Cracker Barrel for breakfast before hitting the road. We then drove another 13 hours through Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, a tiny part of Iowa (literally 13 miles), and halfway through Nebraska, where we spent our second night. On Sunday we drove 10 hours through the other half of Nebraska, Wyoming and into Utah, where we are staying until Sunday morning. The kids did surprisingly well, especially since we didn't have a DVD player for two days. I guess I packed enough to keep them occupied.

Since being here we haven't done a whole lot. On Monday we just laid low and recooperated from the drive, on Tuesday we went to a family friend's for dinner and today me and my husband got to leave the kids with his parents and go on a day long date. It was lovely, and very much needed. We went to lunch at Ruby River, did a little [clearance] shopping for the kiddos, went to the theater and saw Lucy (which was phenomenal), then went for ice cream and a drive. A whole 7 hours to ourselves. Tomorrow we are taking them to the Dinosaur Museum, Friday we are going to the fair, Saturday we are going to a family BBQ and then on Sunday we leave for Sacramento. It's going to be busy, but I'll try to keep y'all updated as best I can.

Until next time...

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