Thursday, July 24, 2014

Starting Fresh (kind of)

It's been a long time, my dear friends. Big changes all around. Let's begin shall we. My last post was made on October 20, 2012. It's been close to two years. Let's get personal. In that time I have:

  • Welcomed a new family member, my [now 16 month old] daughter Abigail (pictured above).
  • Moved house; still in North Carolina until Spring 2015, but we are in a better and safer home now.
  • Lost a few family members; my brother passed away in November of 2013, and my great grandfather passed away not even two weeks later.
  • Changed my business name (again!).
  • Opened an Etsy shop because my dear friends hounded me until I caved. And thank goodness they did (if you want to view it, here is the link).
  • Lost my dear sweet Buck-a-roo, my 13 year old malamute.
  • Started penpaling! Which, so far, I absolutely love! (If you would like to be my penpal please shoot me an email! I'm always open to making more friends! Just let me know you found me here! --

There's just a few things I have done in the last two years. I plan on using this blog A LOT more, so definitely stay tuned! Next week I leave for a month long road trip (with TWO littles -- I know, I'm crazy), but I plan on updating as much as possible while I'm gone (thank goodness for apps). I apologize in advance for the sweet cell phone quality photos that will be posted. Haha. I'm going to try to post semi-regularly now, twice a week at the very least. Now just keep your fingers crossed that it actually works out that way!

I hope this post finds you all well! See you again soon!

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